About The Song

The First Noel is a traditional Christmas carol that has been around for centuries. It is a beautiful and moving song that tells the story of the birth of Jesus Christ. The song has been covered by many artists over the years, but Toby Keith’s version is particularly noteworthy.

Keith’s version of The First Noel is a country-fried take on the classic carol. He sings the song with a warm and inviting voice, and his band provides a toe-tapping accompaniment. Keith’s version of the song is sure to get you into the Christmas spirit.

The First Noel is a song about hope and joy. It is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope for a better future. The song’s message of hope is especially relevant today, as we face a number of challenges around the world.

If you are looking for a song to help you get into the Christmas spirit, Toby Keith’s version of The First Noel is a perfect choice. It is a beautiful and moving song that will fill you with hope and joy.

Here are some additional details about the song:

  • The First Noel is a traditional English Christmas carol. The earliest known version of the song dates back to the 18th century.

  • The song is based on the biblical story of the birth of Jesus Christ. It tells the story of the angels who appeared to the shepherds to announce the birth of Jesus.



The first Noel the angels did sayWas to certain poor shepherdsIn fields as they layIn fields where they layKeeping their sheepOn a cold winter’s nightThat was so deepNoel Noel Noel Noel!Born is the King of Israel!
They looked up and saw a starShining in the East beyond them farAnd to the earth it gave great lightAnd so it continued both day and nightNoel Noel Noel Noel!Born is the King of Israel!
And by the light of that same starThree wise men came from country farTo seek for a King was their intentAnd to follow the starWherever it wentNoel Noel Noel Noel!Born is the King of Israel!
This star drew nigh to the northwestOver Bethlehem it took its restAnd there it did both stop and stayRight over the place where Jesus layNoel Noel Noel Noel!Born is the King of Israel!
Then did they know assuredlyWithin that house the King did lie:One entered in then for to seeAnd found the Babe in poverty:Noel Noel Noel Noel!Born is the King of Israel!
Then entered in those wise men threeFull reverently upon their kneeAnd offered there in His presenceTheir gold, and myrrh and frankincenseNoel Noel Noel Noel!Born is the King of Israel!
Then let us all with one accordSing praises to our heavenly LordThat hath made heavenAnd earth of naughtAnd with His bloodMankind hath bought.Noel Noel Noel Noel!Born is the King of Israel!